Newtown School

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Welcome to

Newtown School

Educating for life in the Quaker tradition since 1798. What makes Newtown School different from other schools is the fact that Quaker education is not only concerned with examination results, but with experiences that are not measurable, the discovery of true self, nurturing confidence, independence and respect.

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Newtown School SETU


Newtown School shares a way of life rather than a set of beliefs. We believe that ‘there is that of God in everyone’. We recognise no barriers of colour, class or gender. Honesty, integrity, simplicity, equality and peace are central to the way we conduct our lives.

March 6th

Virtual Informational Evening

Join us for our Virtual Information on March 6th and find out more about our school’s facilities, hear from current and past pupils about their experiences and talk you through the day-to-day school life here at Newtown School and our surrounding community.

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What our

Students say

Our students have the opportunity to develop academically and also personally, socially and spiritually in an atmosphere of friendliness and openness.

Newtown School offers excellent teaching in small classes but also puts a strong emphasis on pastoral care and engagement in sports, music, drama and other extracurricular activities.

It is lovely to be in the company of young people who actually use silence and who know that in silence you can find all sorts of things that help you cope with the day’s work or to reflect or simply just to be still.

President Mary McAlesse – 1998

Many students also mentioned related traits that being at Newtown developed in them such as social skills, sociability and “feeling comfortable in my own skin”.

school life – findings of the survey 3

A community of adults and peers who lived, played and worked together embracing our human vulnerabilities and creating a tolerant, inclusionary, optimistic community of people who have a personal connection to the evolution of a better society.

George Jacob, Former Student 1973 – 1982

Having a relaxed environment where teacher and student work hand in hand to have an excellent working environment where students can be anybody they want to be without being judged.

Student quote – admissions section

Students’ confidence grew yearly and from second-year onwards it was particularly noticeable, indicating a growth in confidence the longer students are in the school.

School life – findings of the survey

Everybody lives and works together in a friendly environment where all are equals

Student Quote

I think a Quaker school stands for friendship, working together in a community. It also stands for respect between teachers and students

Student quote – Quaker

A Quaker education “stands for a peaceful and close community, where everyone looks out for one another. It accepts you for who you are.”

Quaker education

Undoubtedly Newtown School helped me to grow as a person/character, gave me some great friends for life, prepared me for university and provided a safe, comforting, nurturing environment for my formative years.

Student Quote – Basil Ashmore

2025/26 Boarders Open Day

Welcome all to our school’s Open Day taking place on 5th of April. 

Are you a prospective student or parent/guardian, and considering your options for a boarding school in the up and coming year or in the near future? If so, join us for our up and coming Open Days.

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Open Day

SETU Libraries and Newtown School Digital Outreach Collaboration

In celebration of Newtown School’s 225th anniversary, we are currently working alongside SETU Libraries in digitising a number of artefacts from the school’s archives.

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Newtown School
Newtown School


Erasmus+ is the EU Programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2021-2027. Education, training, youth and sport are key areas that support citizens in their personal and professional development.

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1798 - 2023

Celebrating 225 Years

Join us in celebrating 225 years of Newtown School and it’s rich history. With great pleasure, the school wishes to celebrate this fantastic milestone with current and past pupils, teachers, staff members and the local community in Waterford and throughout the South East of Ireland.

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Newtown School


The facilities of the school enhance the educational and living experience of our whole school community.
The wider community also avail of the facilities and we welcome the involvement of local groups and clubs. We are situated on a 18 acre site in Waterford city with wonderfully mature grounds and trees.

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