
Old Scholars

The Old Scholars Association is a vibrant and enthusiastic part of the Newtown School community. The main objective of the Association is the advancement of education, primarily at Newtown School and in pursuing this objective the main activity is to provide a means for past students and staff of Newtown, Mountmellick and Bishop Foy Schools to maintain their contact with the school, thus enabling them to support its educational objectives and the educational progress of its students.

The Association also aims to foster friendship and communication between past scholars and staff throughout the world and by its actions will encourage amongst the scholars (in the words first used over a hundred years ago) “the pursuit of healthy and ennobling occupation, both physical and intellectual, and a high ideal of school life”.

Reunion 2024

This year we hope to run another successful Old Scholars weekend on Saturday the 28th and Sunday the 29th of September 2024 in Waterford. On Saturday in the school we will have the photo display with pictures from the archives and the annual school versus the Old scholars hockey match.

Saturday night Dinner is planned to be in Woodlands hotel. On Sunday the 29th we plan to have the AGM in the school with lunch after in the school dining room followed by the annual tree planting at the old scholars garden in school.

For More Information
Learning Support
Learning Support

Most old scholars become members of the Old Scholars Association on leaving school with the membership fee included in the last bill, this entitles you to receive the Newtown Review each year amongst other things. If you are not sure if you are a member, or you have not being receiving the Review, please contact the association, giving your name, current address and email address, and year of leaving school. If you left Newtown before sixth year, please tell us what year you would have been in sixth year – this is so we can match you up with your classmates. 

Become a member